To access the full report of a(n) journal/ organization/ funder, please remember to login with your personal account. For more information on how to create a Scite personal account, visit Personalization.
Scite helps you explore research from specific groups like institutions, journals, or funders. It shows:
This tool gives you a quick view of who is doing important work in your field and how it is being received.
1. At the top bar menu, click Solutions and choose Journals/Organizations/Funders (depends on your need).
Example: exploring the organizaton profile for The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
2. In the search box, enter the name of organization (e.g., The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong), and click Apply.
3. The result will show in the table below, with an overview of citation analysis of the institution and scite Index. You can click the name of the organization for more details.
4. You will be directed to a new tab where the organizational profile will be shown. Browse and click on any item that interests you.
*Make sure you have logged in with your personal account to access the full report.