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Scite (AI Research Tool)

Reference Check

Reference Check in Scite helps you assess the quality of references in a paper. It does two main things:

  1. Shows how each reference is cited by others (supporting, contrasting, or mentioning).
  2. Flags references with issues like retractions or corrections.

This tool makes it easier to check reference reliability and spot potential problems during review or publishing.

How does it work?

1. At the top bar menu, click Products and Reference Check.


2. You can choose to upload your manuscript (in PDF) by either dragging and dropping it into the box or uploading the document from your folder. If the document is available online, you can also input the document URL for retrieval.

*If you would like to input the URL of the document, make sure it is open access and not behind a paywall (i.e., do not copy and paste the URL directly from a subscribed database).


3. After you have uploaded the file or input the URL, click Reference Check to proceed.


4. A small window will pop up displaying the progress.


5. After it is complete, you can choose to view your report by clicking on Click here to see it in the pop-up window, or selecting Reference Check from the left navigation menu on your profile page (pre-login to your personal profile is required before Step 1).


6. You will see the number of references detected in the uploaded document with their citation statements. An indicator will appear if any editorial notice is discovered.