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Psychology: Books

Locating books on the shelves

Subject Call Number range
BF 1 - 990
Consciousness, Cognition BF 309 - 499

BF501 - 505

Affection, Feeling, Emotion

BF511 - 593

Personality BF698 - 698.9
Developmental Psychology BF712 - 724.85
Social Psychology HM1001 - 1281

The Library uses the Library of Congress Classification (LCC for short) to arrange books and other resources on the shelves so you can locate them easily.

Course Reserve

Course Reserve Collection contains course-related materials recommended by teachers. 

1. Click Course Reserve on Library's homepage

2. Search by Course Code / Course Name / Instructor / Department

3. Borrow printed copy at the Service Counter on G/F of the Library or access e-copy online.

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